Updating my About Me page has been on my to-do list for several weeks now. Since the beginning of the blog, I’ve had a very generic About page and I’ve realized that most of you actually know very little about me. If you fall into this category, I hope you will consider this post a formal, “Nice to meet you!” Please drop by the site, browse the new design and About Me page (posted below) and let me know what you think. I’m continuing to add new content to the design daily and your feedback has been very much appreciated thus far!
Welcome to ManVsDebt.com!
My name is Adam Baker and I’m the Man in Man Vs. Debt. In my short 25 years on this planet, I’ve been a Father, Husband, Personal Finance Freak, Blogger, Real Estate Agent, Landlord, Business Owner, Tax Specialist, Professional Video Game Player, and Degenerate Poker Addict! Lately, I’ve been focusing my efforts on the first 4!
This blog is a real-time chronicle of my wife (Courtney) and I’s own personal war on debt. At our peak, we were able to amass over $80,000 in non-mortgage debt, through credit cards, student loans, car loans, and personal lines of credit.
Sometime around the end of 2007, we underwent a financial transformation. It was then we first made the connection between achieving true freedom and living a debt-free life. The first year we struggled to adopt frugality, budgeting, and life without constant credit. To make things even more interesting, we expanded our young family to 3 member with the birth of our daughter, Milligan. Nevertheless, we continued to up the intensity, eliminating everything but our student loans by Dec. 2008.
For the last several months, we’ve switched from debt elimination mode into savings mode to prepare for our move from Indianapolis, IN to Cairns, AUS in early June. For more information about our progress in our war against debt you can check out the following posts:
- Our Official Declaration of War
- A physical outline of the financial principles to which we’ve committed.
- Our most recent Debt-Recon & Current Battle Plans
- An overview of our current debts and elimination strategy.
- Our Financial Network Map
- A graphic showing our financial accounts and how the flow into one another.
- We Did It: Two Full Months To Fund Australia
- Our latest financial goal accomplished early!
As you read through the site, please take time to join the community by commenting on the posts and by contacting Baker directly with any questions and/or new ideas. It is my hope that you will be able to find information here that you can apply to your own financial battles, whatever stage of the war you might be in.
Connect With Baker!
You can receive updates directly by RSS or by entering your e-mail in the form in the top right of this page! E-mail addresses are protected by Feedburner. I will never actually see them (unless you e-mail me directly) and they will never be used for any purpose other than to get (1) Free Daily E-mail of any new updates to this site.
You can also follow me on Twitter to receive even more personal messages and updates!
I Love Receiving E-mails!
Lastly, you can send any tips, feedback, ideas, advertisements, or donations directly to Baker@ManVsDebt.com!
Please keep in mind that I am in no way, shape, or form a financial professional. I’m simply a passionate guy who has some experience, both positive and negative, in dealing with debt and personal finance. It’s impossible for me to know all the facts regarding your personal situation. Therefore, it would be ineffective to apply any advice or information on this site blindly. Well-intentioned financial professionals are in every community and you should consult one on any major financial decisions.
It’s neat to learn more about you. I wish you and your family the best on your journey to financial success. I was glad to read you are learning from mistakes in your twenties instead of thirties. Keep up your good writing and keep pluged in to PF blogs..they’ll keep you on the right track.
Ken’s last blog post..Personal Wealth Redefined
Hey Baker, great new intro. I saw a blog roundtable post a couple months ago and it talked about having an inviting welcome or about page. I modified mine and added pics as a result. I think yours is great – thanks for sharing!
Do You Dave Ramsey?’s last blog post..Goal Setting – Social Goals (part 8)
@ Ken – Thanks for the wishes! I appreciate your feedback.
@ Dave – I checked out your About page as well and enjoy what you have done. I like how you’ve incorporated the video aspects! Thanks for all your support!
It’s nice to see the man behind the mask.
Great to have you in the PF blog world!
Trevor @ Financial Nut’s last blog post..401k Retirement Tips: Not Rolling Over a 401k Can Cost You
you have very simple, readable and useful blog here, love it, and nice pics