A big part of this blog from the beginning has been financial transparency. I’ve shifted from sharing the details of our daily spending (what we used to do), to sharing the details of the business side of the blog. It seems many of you are most interested in this one segment of our financial journey.
May saw the lowest dip in income generated online, since the release of Unautomate Your Finances back in March. This was expected and anticipated, although I did nothing to help it. I had planned on guest posting and exposing new lists and audience to my first guide, as well as attempting to push forward the launch date of my forthcoming guide, Sell Your Crap.
Neither happened.
Instead, I posted only a few posts here, with absolutely no guest posts, no new exposure, no attempt at media mentions, and no additions, bonus, or specials on the first guide. Not exactly a great business plan!
The only silver lining is that almost all of the income I received in May was very close to passive. A far majority (as high as 90%) of the sales were initiated from old “evergreen” posts and content.
Here are the numbers for May:
Net from UYF Sales: $481.81
- Total Guides Sold (April): 33
- Income (less Paypal fees): $577.35
- Affiliate Payments: -$95.54
Additional Income: $525.97
- Freelance Writing: $400.00
- Thesis/ScribeSEO: $0.00 (under payout threshold)
- Unconventional Guides: $125.97
- Amazon: $0.oo (under payout threshold)
Direct Expenses: -$110.90
- Hosting: -$14.95
- Aweber: -$29.00
- ScribeSEO: -$27.00
- E-junkie: -$5.00
- VodBurner: -$9.95
- Kiva MasterMind: -$25.00
Net (Income – Expenses): $896.88
A couple notes to highlight. First, I had two new business products I affiliated with in May, but which technically paid the first few days of this month. This is $1000+ dollars of income that was “earned” in May, but paid in “June”. This helps prop up the month a bit.
I will also have a couple affiliate payments that didn’t meet thresholds and thus rolled over to June’s payout date.
This months brings the average of the last 3 months (since UYF release) down to: ~$2100/month
While I’m not ecstatic about that number, it’s not terrible for a start. The goal is to double it by the end of summer.
June’s Business Plans…
June will see the release of Sell Your Crap, my second premium guide. This will have several modules, have extremely targeted value across different mediums, and will probably end up in the more traditional $30-$40 dollar range.
I don’t expect sales for Unautomate Your Finances to dip in June actually. In fact, they will probably go up due to promotion regarding Sell Your Crap. I’d like to see UYF net between $800-$1000 itself. My goal for the second launch will depend on the final content included in the guide and the price point.
As you all know, 90% of my effort and content will remain 100% free. I’ll continue to openly share our journey to eliminate our debt, our battle to avoid accumulating clutter, and the ups and downs as we attempt to pursue our passions!
For those of you on a journey to produce online income yourself, feel free to e-mail me any specific questions you may have!
Hope everyone has a fantastic June!
Thanks for sharing Baker. It is fantastic that you can be so transparent with your life. I love to hear the specific details. They are what make you a real person.
Baker, you are singing my song. First you get your money in order, then you sell all your crap. If your third book is about how to live happily ever after I will gladly start a cult in your name. (now THAT is the way to start making passive income…
Sending you an email to set up our Skype call – lots to talk about.
Hey, to my unemployed self those numbers look great!
But, thanks to said unemployment, I’m learning all I can about products and launches and audience building and all those good fundamentals… Even ready at the end of the month to make the self-hosting leap! =0 Scary. So I definitely appreciate your openness, it’s a bit comforting to get that inside peek.
I really admire your transparency and wish you well in achieving your goals for the rest of 2010.
I am curious what shopping cart software suite are you using for your product sales part of the site?
Keep on rockin’ Adam. When are you going to release a “How to sell guides” guide? I can feel it coming…
Baker, wonderful progress and income! $2,100/month is GREAT! I’m pretty sure your income will continue to grow, and you will get that fire back again to do all that stuff you wrote you didn’t do.
Can you give an idea of the income from freelance writing? How much per post or initiative on average to help others out who are thinking about freelancing, and paying people to write for them?
I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your monthly updates and the fact that you share the good and the … not quite as good. I think we all know those numbers will just keep going up.
Thank you for all of the information and very helpful blog!
Hi Baker at first I didn’t really like your complete online transparency – seemed a little too much for me (I’m not American, am an Aussie in central Europe!) but I find your positivity infectious and I really like your authenticity. I’ll be popping in here more often!
I also appreciate all your forwardness on your posts. Thanks for sharing the good information.
As Samurai asked, I am curious about the freelance writing. Anything you coud share there would be helpful.
Really interesting, especially since I’m getting ready to launch something in the next couple months. Would love to see how you feel about the products you’re using on a monthly basis.
It is really nice post , You should get an award , the most transparent blogger in the world.
Who do you use for webhosting? And writing your book? Any suggestions on this?
What is the “Kiva MasterMind”?
Wow- that is fantastic! $2100/month is actually super great and something to be proud of- I think like 90% of bloggers who intend to blog for income don’t make that much =)
thanks for being so open about it =)
I am in complete agreement with you.
Baker is actually one of the small minority of people who is smart enough to earn a decent amount.
Keep up the good work.