Labor Day Weekend Reading

I hope you are all having a fantastic Labor Day Weekend back in the states.  The last two weeks have been very active for us here in New Zealand:

  • I’ve recently been hired on as one of two staff writers for Get Rich Slowly.  Thanks to all of you that helped support my audition pieces.  At the current time, I’ll be contributing once a week and it should be a good opportunity to expand our growing community.
  • Courtney starts her new job this coming Monday here in New Zealand.  It’s been a long and bumpy ride, which I will elaborate on much more in this coming Monday’s post.
  • I’ve started training at a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club here in Auckland.  It should be an great opportunity to meet some new people and kick my butt into shape.  If you are a fan of or train in BJJ, I’d love to hear from you!

I’ve been scheming on some great content for the next two weeks.  There are a couple projects I’m excited to be unleashing here soon.  They may or may not include publicly tracking my finances (100% transparency), the formation of a newsletter for the biggest community supporters, and more details on the e-book (yes, the one that’s been coming forever).

But before we get into all those fun details, here’s some of my favorite links from over the past two or three weeks for you to check-out in between barbecues:

Have a fun and safe extended weekend.  I’ll see you all again on Monday with the post “How to Wait Aggressively”!

9 thoughts on “Labor Day Weekend Reading”

  1. Congratulations Baker on your writing job. You were a great pick for the position. I look forward to seeing your traveling update on Monday man, it’s always exciting to hear how you have been adapting and moving forward. It’s great to hear that your wife is starting a new job, please wish her well and I hope she enjoys it!

    Also thank you for the link love and I am glad you enjoyed that post. Good luck to you my friend!! 😀
    .-= Brad @ enemyofdebt´s last blog ..Changing Your Behavior Requires A Paradigm Shift =-.

  2. Congrats on the GRS gig! That site was the first PF site I discovered and was instrumental in starting my own site.

    Haven’t studied BJJ but I have studied Aikido. I’m sure it will be a great workout for you both mentally and physically!

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