The Architect’s Guide to Breaking Free of Your Matrix


Note: This is a post from Adam Baker, founder of Man Vs. Debt.

Today’s post is a fun, reflective look at an important scene from the second movie of the Matrix Trilogy.  I’m confident the majority of this community will be at least familiar with the content.  Even without watching the movies, you’ll be able to get the gist of the reflection below.  🙂

For fans of the series, this post is my reflections on how the conversation between Neo and The Architect effects my life right now.  I fully realize there have been full books written on these topics – I’m geeky… but not that geeky!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the conversation. Leave them in the comments below.  🙂


The Architect: Hello, Neo.

Neo: Who are you?

The Architect: I am the Architect. I created the matrix. I’ve been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also irrelevant.

Neo: Why am I here?

We are asking the wrong question…

Why am I here?

Wrong question, Neo. Wrong question, Baker.

So many times we find ourselves circling back around to this type of broad question. Why me? Why now? Why am I here? What’s the meaning of life?

These questions are not only irrelevant – as the Architect points out – but impossible to answer as individuals.

We need to imply action in this question. We need think…

What is my mission?  What is my message?

For me, this subtle change in thinking has immediately projected me forward. It’s more motivating and action-based… less philosophical, more tangible.

When I think: Why am I here? I get this type of stuff…

To be a good husband.  A good father.  To help people with finances and clutter.

Boring, dull, lifeless…

When I think: What is my mission?  What is my message? I get…

To build a marriage that can outlast anything.  To overwhelm Milligan with love and support in everything she does.  To empower people to remove barriers, so that they can live more passionate and purposeful lives.

A simple change in the internal questions we ask ourselves can perform freakin’ miracles.  Don’t believe me?  Try it.

Action Step: For the next 60 seconds, think about your mission. What’s the ultimate mission behind your efforts to clean up finances, live with less, or align your work and passions?  At the end of 60 seconds, you have to pick one.  You can change it later. Write it down, now – whatever first comes to your mind.


The Architect: Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden to sedulously avoid it, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.

Neo: You haven’t answered my question.

The Architect: Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others.

[The monitors display Neo exclaiming multiple responses at the same time: “Others? What others? How many? Answer me!”]

The Architect: The matrix is older than you know. I prefer counting from the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next, in which case this is the sixth version.

[The monitors display Neo exclaiming multiple responses at the same time: “Five versions? Three? I’ve been lied too. This is bullshit.”]

Neo: There are only two possible explanations: either no one told me, or no one knows.

The Architect: Precisely. As you are undoubtedly gathering, the anomaly’s systemic, creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.

[The monitors display Neo exclaiming multiple responses at the same time:  “You can’t control me! F*** you! I’m going to kill you! You can’t make me do anything!*

Neo: Choice. The problem is choice.

Free Will vs. Fate…

The Architect starts out with a basic defense of fate.  Even though he admits Neo is an anomaly, he call him “expected” and “not without a measure of control”.  Basically, been there… done that… this is how things go.

Neo isn’t about to swallow it just quite yet.  He bluntly points out that The Architect hasn’t answered his question.

But Neo’s big problem is that he is viewing free will – the alternative to fate – as answering the “why am I here?” question.

Free will isn’t inherent in the answer to a question like that.  Free will is inherent in our daily choices – big or small, unique or routine. It’s the culmination of all those tiny choices we make in our life.

The choice not to make an impulse purchase.  The choice to sell your excess crap.  The choice to negotiate a raise, switch jobs, or strike out on your own.

These daily choices, folks… are free will in practice.

It’s a short, but powerful realization. Our daily choices decide the direction of our lives.

Action Step: Write down all of the choices you make in a single day.  Try to make as many of your routinely subconscious choices… conscious. You won’t get them all – that’s impossible. But really try to reflect on even the small choices you make today.


The Architect: The first matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is as apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being, thus I redesigned it based on your history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature. However, I was again frustrated by failure. I have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind, or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection. Thus, the answer was stumbled upon by another, an intuitive program, initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the father of the matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother.

Neo: The Oracle.

The Architect: Please. As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99.9% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level …

There is no correct path.  There is no right answer.

In the section of the conversation above, The Architect explains how his “perfect, flawless, and sublime” world (his first attempt) failed miserably.  His second attempt?  Again, it failed.

It wasn’t until the character, The Oracle, allowed humans to have a choice that 99.9% of humans accepted the desired outcome.

My takeaway here? There is no one correct way to do things.

There is no correct way to pay off debt.  There is no correct way to earn a living.

There isn’t a magic number of possessions that grant you special powers if you can live with less than that amount.

You don’t need to sell everything you own and travel the world.  You don’t need to travel at all.

You don’t need to quit your job.  You don’t need to start a blog.  You don’t need a laptop.

Your life is exactly that – your life. Don’t live it a certain way because you think it’s “perfect, flawless, or sublime”. I can only speak for us and our life is far from any of those terms.

But our life *is* one thing:  intentional.

We try with every ounce of our daily actions to live intentionally.  We embrace choice and we reject external factors that attempt to limit it – as much as we can.  It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s way better than the alternative we came from.

Action Step: Write down what you want in life. No, not what you think looks good on paper. No, not the thing you’ve trained your brain to say first. What is your secret want? What do you really want? One thing I really want is to travel around and speak publicly – for thousands. What’s one of yours?


The Architect:  … While this answer functioned, it was obviously fundamentally flawed, thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself. Ergo, those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked, would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.

Neo: This is about Zion.

The Architect: You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.

Neo: Bullshit.

[The monitors display multiple versions of Neo exclaiming only one joint response this time: “Bullshit!”]

The Architect: Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

What’s your Matrix?…

We all have to resist different forms of the Matrix in our own lives. We all have forces at work trying to keep us living unconsciously.

For some, this is debt, low income, bad spending habits, a life-sucking job, life-sucking clutter, fear, low motivation, cloudy priorities, lack of a mission, bad health, or simple laziness.  Most of us have different forms of several of these.

For Courtney and me, The Matrix is a combination of consumerism and social pressure to conform. These are the two invisible forces in our lives that hold us back and work against our goal to live intentionally.

And our “Zion” is the freedom that comes with rejecting both of those as much as humanly possible. That is our hope – our source of inspiration. It gives us the energy to stay on the offensive.

Action Step: Write down whatever is the “Matrix” in your life. What are the most tangible forces holding you back? What is your largest burden… what is subconsciously clogging up your life? Don’t go crazy, this isn’t a therapy session.  Write down 2-3 of the big ones.


The Architect: The function of the One is now to return to the source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program. After which you will be required to select from the matrix 23 individuals, 16 female, 7 male, to rebuild Zion. Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash killing everyone connected to the matrix, which coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.

Neo: You won’t let it happen, you can’t. You need human beings to survive.

The Architect: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. However, the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every human being in this world. [Shows humans on the monitors]

The Architect: It is interesting reading your reactions. Your five predecessors were by design based on a similar predication, a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species, facilitating the function of the one. While the others experienced this in a very general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-a-vis, love.

Neo: Trinity.

The Architect: Apropos, she entered the matrix to save your life at the cost of her own.

Neo: No!

The Architect: Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed, and the anomaly revealed as both beginning, and end. There are two doors. The door to your right leads to the source, and the salvation of Zion. The door to the left leads back to the matrix, to her, and to the end of your species. As you adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know what you’re going to do, don’t we? Already I can see the chain reaction, the chemical precursors that signal the onset of emotion, designed specifically to overwhelm logic, and reason. An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple, and obvious truth: she is going to die, and there is nothing that you can do to stop it.

[Neo starts to walk towards the left door]

The Architect: Humph. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.

Neo: If I were you, I would hope that we don’t meet again.

The Architect: We won’t.

Reasonable people don’t change the world…

I forget where I first heard the above quote or concept, but I think it was Chris Guillebeau when he was referring to work/life balance. Wherever it was, it really, really stuck with me.  It embedded itself deep within me.

We all seem to have a burning desire to make logical choices. We want to be viewed as reasonable – or rather, we are afraid of being viewed as unreasonable by others.

But when I die, I don’t want people to say… “Hey, at least he was logical and reasonable.”

Right? Who wants that?

We know we don’t want to be emotional in every aspect of our finances.  Emotional impulse buying and decision-making can dig us into deep holes.

However, many people give the advice that removing emotions all together is the solution to personal finance woes.  I think that’s terrible advice.  It may just be worse than the former example.

Finances, debt, income, spending, selling… these are all emotional processes.

Life is an emotional process.

The answer to your problems doesn’t lie in your ability to exclude emotions and make logical, reasonable decisions.  The answer to your problems lie in your ability to leverage your emotions into habits that add joy, value, or purpose into your life.

Eradicating all emotion from our decision making process isn’t a long-term solution.  Instead it’s more powerful to understand our emotions and find ways we can leverage them to add to our lives rather than subtract.

Burying hope in a sea of logic is a surefire path to mediocrity. It’s the best way I know to ensure you sleepwalk through life.


Summary of Action Steps:

  • For 60 seconds, brainstorm your mission in life. Pick one.
  • For a single day, carry a notebook and write down every single choice you make.
  • Write down your secret burning desire.  The one you really want.  Be honest.
  • Write down your “Matrix” – the 2-3 biggest burdens in your life.  What holds you back?

Lastly, choose hope over logic. Align your “mission” with your secret burning desire. Ensure your daily choices help you unplug from your Matrix and move toward your new secret burning mission.

Wake up, Neo.

44 thoughts on “The Architect’s Guide to Breaking Free of Your Matrix”

  1. This is a great article, for sure (I especially like the “living intentionally” bit), but I couldn’t help but think of the Jimmy Fallon song “Idiot Boyfriend” when reading through it, especially the line, “maybe we could watch a DVD I picked out/something like ‘The Matrix'”. 🙂

    Or maybe I should just keep these thoughts to myself. Thanks for posting. 🙂

  2. Good topic and good post Adam. I will disagree on the order of what questions to ask in your life though. Most people go from asking “What?” to “How?” to “Why?” but I find that asking “Why?” then “How?” and then “What?” works better for me personally. Without purpose, without understanding the reason for my motives (and motivation) by asking “Why?” first before I plan and do things, the outcome and experience don’t tend to be as fulfilling to me. I think it’s typical that people start by asking “What?” and there is nothing wrong with that if it works for you. Lets just agree that the second question that should be asked is “How?”. 🙂

    1. Yeah! Most important is to find a solution that gets you to “How”. That gets you into action.

      In my experience, Why is often paralyzing and dull. It leads people in loops and makes them second guess and revisit everything. I don’t think it should be ignored completely, simply prioritized less (for us and the people in my life). 🙂

      1. Hey Joel & Baker,

        Once again, great read tonight and I’m glad I signed up for the email notifications so I could dig in early.

        Ok, now the “why” – I’ve always been asked to “find your why” meaning – if you know why you’re doing something (like for family, daughter, son, mother, etc..) the why becomes a strong motivator… But here asking “why” at then end seems to remove the “why did this happen to me” or “why me” in general, so I agree with Baker… on this, but ultimately, you have to do it “your way” which IS the right way… not Baker’s way, not Steve’s way, but your way… I’m glad you wrote it the way you did Joel

        (but I find that asking “Why?” then “How?” and then “What?” works better for me personally.)

        Right now, I’ve taken a look at a video that mentioned “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”… I think all in all there is some connection that I haven’t quite made just yet…

        Anyway – Sorry for the random-ness (is that even a word?)


  3. Any comment of mine feels colossally inadequate against such a thoughtful analysis. Thanks so much for sharing and dissecting this provocative excerpt.

    At large, I believe that there is much to learn of life in concepts just outside our grasp. I “got” the Matrix, but must admit that this moment in Matrix II left me a bit perplexed the first time I saw it. Perhaps that was because I was still “plugged in”.

    I consider myself unplugged today. And yet, there is still more to learn. I especially liked the juxtaposition between “why am I here?” with “what is my message?”. It’s deceptively simple, and deceptively powerful. I’m still working on my answer…

    The last point – “Reasonable people don’t change the world” – has been my greatest learning as of late. I feel the “status quo” asks (demands) that people be reasonable – to dilute their passions and edit their messages. So I’m left wondering how wonderful the world would be if we were all just that bit more unreasonable. What would be possible?

    Congrats buddy on another fabulous piece!


    1. Awesome comment, Matt. This scene is designed to bring up more questions than it answers (a common complaint of the series as a whole). I’m still not sure I “get” it even know… I just know how certain topics apply to my life in it’s current state. 🙂

  4. “To build a marriage that can outlast anything. To overwhelm Milligan with love and support in everything she does. To empower people to remove barriers, so that they can live more passionate and purposeful lives.”

    I love this!


  5. Great post! I need to write more epic posts like this one. Really thought-provoking to read the actual Matrix script, too. It comes out in much clearer detail when you read it vs. watch it.

    By the way, your website was down again when I first tried to load this post. 🙁


      1. Erica, Baker,

        Just a quick note; I love the comparison to an experience (watching a movie) Baker uses to relate to people… It gives more than a point of view, but a point of reference for someone…

        Anyway, not too much of a deep thought, but I did enjoy the post and love the Matrix!


  6. Wow, Baker. Awesome post!

    I’ve been working on recognizing those subconscious reactions this week–the little things I tell myself or do in response to something–and it’s been both discouraging and illuminating to see how much I hobble myself. Your post answers the obvious question: now that I know, what next?

    I think I’m Neo 1.0 on this one, but I’ll get to be the sixth version eventually. 🙂

  7. Hi Adam, you mentioned that the Matrix for you and Courtney is a social pressure to conform. I understand this must have been very intense when you were first selling your stuff to travel abroad with a baby, but how does this currently apply to your life?

    Defining and redefining the Matrix that we all live in is a long, iterative, but very rewarding process…

    1. Maria, I think it’s still the biggest one for us. Now that we are back in Indiana, we are faced with whether to travel again, whether to buy a house, whether to have more kids, whether to acquire more stuff.

      None of these are right or wrong, we just want to make sure *social* pressure doesn’t push us into something we don’t intentionally decide for ourselves.

  8. Being a HUGE fan of the Matrix, this happens to be one of the best blog posts on personal growth and finances I have ever read. Simply put: “There is no correct way to pay off debt. There is no correct way to earn a living.”

    It is about choice and due to free will, we all choose differently and have different results. What works for one may not work for another. The base principle applies but the methodology is quite different.

    Thanks for an awesome read and for taking one of the most complex issues and bringing it to light in one of the most creative ways!

    (By the way, one of my degrees is in Philosophy – hence my “deep” thoughts.) 🙂

    1. Those are very kind words and I appreciate them! 🙂 I’m so glad we have some Philosophy majors in the community to insert some of that good ‘ole fashion deep thinkin’. 😉

  9. Serendipitous. That’s the only way I can describe how I feel about this blog post. It seems like the events of the week have been leading into one another to finally teach me the lesson that my emotions matter just as much as my technical knowledge.

    In the past, I’ve tried to do purely technical work to subconsciously avoid dealing with my emotions, but success always eluded me because that kept me from relating to others in a real, human way.

    The other night I had a near-emotional-breakdown, so out of desperation to get my pain out, I typed out the events of my life up to now, a history that involves lots of sudden family deaths, loneliness, and fear of being “different” because of what I’d experienced. I was able to look at it in front of me and get honest with myself about how I felt about each thing that has happened, and I realized my experiences can only become strengths if I use them to help others.

    Today I spent my entire day meditating on the direction I was taking, pondering how bringing my emotions into the fold will change my decisions, and I had lots of scattered ideas but the picture wasn’t exactly clear yet.

    Then this article popped up in my twitter feed and gave me one of the simplest but most powerful writing exercises I’ve ever encountered. I’m really thankful for the way you made this scene relevant to your readers, and I can’t even tell you how powerful a tool it was for bringing my thoughts for the day into focus. It was in the context of this that I finally distilled what I really want the purpose behind my writing to be.

    “To build a fellowship of empowered creative people who never have to break down barriers alone.”

    And if that wasn’t enough, you even took a movie I considered a waste of $10 and completely redeemed it. Everything else I can understand, but this just mystifies me. 🙂

  10. Adam!

    LOVE the Matrix analogy (or is it?) and it’s been a useful reminded for overcoming fears in my life as well e.g. “dude, this isn’t real…this is just the matrix…you can do anything you want here.”

    On a side note, I’ve been reading your blog and following you on twitter and I think it’s just from osmosis and surrounding myself with intelligent, cool “internet acquaintances” that I’ve sold TWO BIG PIECES OF CRAP that were cluttering the living room of my soul!

    I’ve found that getting rid of crap can be even harder than acquiring it!

    You’re the man – keep inspiring.

    Good Vibes~
    Vic Dorfman

  11. Very nice parallel that you’ve drawn, and very enjoyable read. Regardless of what people say and feel about the acting and the storyline in the matrix, it absolutely provides many a thought provoking questions and parallels to life if you only take a look. Kudos!

  12. Great post, Baker! Really enjoyed reading it. I’ve been flailing about lately, kind of at a crossroads in my life, trying to figure out my next direction and you’ve helped me refocus my thoughts. Oh, and I think I’ll watch The Matrix again! Barely understood it the first time I saw it…

  13. Dude. This post is awesome.

    Just going to add a point: there’s a quote in the movie Revolver where Avi says, “Where’s the best place an opponent should hide? In the last place you’d ever look.” Check out an awesome scene here:

    As in, my matrix is myself. I’m the only thing that CAN hold myself back, if I place too much time and energy on social pressures and the forces of conformity and mediocrity. Beyond that, nothing else is holding me back. It’s all in my head.

    Again, nice post, Baker!

  14. Pingback: A Spare Key: Seeing a Little More Clearly | The Dao of Doing | the key to doing anything is doing something

  15. This is profound stuff and I love it. Another way to pose this question and challenge yourself is to think of it this way: Life has existed for millions of years and it flowed into you in 19xx – what is life trying to express through you? What does the life-force inside you want you to accomplish with the energy it gave you on your birthday?

  16. This has to be the best post I’ve read on any blog in ages. This post is so thought provoking and it speaks to me on a very deep level. Reading it has given me shivers and I felt I wanted to savour every word (and to make sure I do I will be re-reading it!).

    I’ve had on my list of post topics to write “Unplug from your Matrix” and yet I haven’t felt ready to write it, and now I know I don’t need to, you have said so much more than I can possibly say. I will definitely be pointing my readers to read this post though.

    This is really where I’m at right now. I’m constantly asking myself “What is this all for?” and “Why am I here?”, and your more tangible approach is just what I needed to read. I’m trying to make decisions right now for next year and I’m scared of making the wrong choice, I feel stuck in indecision. But of course you’re right, there’s only choices, neither right nor wrong.

    Thank you for writing something so philosophical yet practical. Time to take the action steps!

    1. Mirella, you are not alone. It takes years of effort to overcome the worry of doing the “wrong” thing. I think this comes from 12 years of childhood seeing red X’s on school papers and developing a fear of doing the worst thing possible – making a mistake. The truth is we all make at least as many mistakes as correct answers/actions/assumptions. Develop the habit of making a plan and then jumping in and swimming. The truth is that’s what everybody really does. And nobody is grading your work.

  17. Adam, awesome post and definitely makes Keanu Reeves seem cooler than he is. But I digress. Here are my answers:

    To be a guiding light to friends, family & strangers alike. To help change the world for the better. To bring joy and passion in to other people’s lives. To Kick Ass.

    Burning Desire:
    To be unconcerned with money. To live frugally while writing, learning & experiencing new things.

    My Matrix:
    Family that doesn’t understand that I need to do my own thing. My own thoughts that I might fail. Illusion of money.

    Thanks for an inspirational post to get the morning moving!

  18. Baker. Nice job using the story of the matrix to explain your point. Stories are powerful and way more effective than logic and bullet points.

    Have you ever studied the mono-myth or “Hero’s Journey?”

    The matrix and the story of Neo is a classic Joseph Cambellian Hero’s Journey.

    What’s your hero’s journey?

  19. Baker, this is a very interesting post. I think that there is a daily WAR going on in our minds. We constantly fight to see which actions will win. I agree there is no one way to do things and there are no right and wrongs there’s only consequences.

    Another aspect of the WAR in our minds is the “Why am I here? question”. I believe that we will continue to ask that question until we either figure out ‘why we are here and what we are suppose to do’. The WAR in our mind makes us think there is a specific thing we are suppose to do. When we are truly just trying to advance ourselves as human and we constantly express ourselves by asking this question.

    How will we know if we are doing what we should be doing? I have my own ideas but I’d like to hear others.

  20. Love your blog… LOVE this post. Thanks for the kick ass content!
    Glad to hear I’m not the only Matrix geek out there…

  21. To be honest with you man, I was confused when I first read this post. It took me a second read but it was worth it. Definitely thought provoking and it made me start thinking A LOT!
    pretty epic blog post will have to link to it eventually when I put out the ideas that are flowing through my head right now.

  22. Pingback: Meaning Experiment - Discover Your Matrix Follow Up

  23. We’ve been asking ourselves some of these very same questions. We came to realize there are a couple of matrices. One is the work matrix, and I’ve reentered that voluntarily for now after getting laid off last year.

    The other is the American Dream matrix. This is one we have decided to consciously exit. Most Americans dream of that golden land of home ownership. We’ve made it to that land, and after 10 years living it, we’re finally seeing the matrix. The amount of money being wasted on mortgage interest, home maintenance, yard work, and utility bills is incredible. We’re beginning a journey to rid ourselves of crap so that we can sell our house and move into a small apartment. This will get us out of the matrix and free up a great deal of money for things we’d really like to do. We’re beginning to put events and activities over just having a bunch of stuff. Hopefully we’ll get out of this matrix soon and begin living a real life again.

  24. Pingback: Baker 5 of 6 Kick Ass People | International Cravings

  25. Dude, you are soooo off base with this. The conversation between Neo and the Architect is sacred. It’s Enlightenment!

    It’s THE Face-to-Face meeting between Spirit and Mind! Love and Logic. Soul and Ego….!!!

    Please don’t turn that into some pep rally for positivism….with dreams of being a better husband or dad. Fuck positivism and ‘improvement’. Those concepts are just lies created by the Mind to strengthen the Ego that keeps you asleep. STRIVING is of the Mind. BEING is of the Soul.
    Your first and ONLY responsibility is to WAKE UP! And find out WHY YOU ARE HERE.
    Hopes – Dreams – Aspirations- Ambitions can only come from that which is imperfect. The Soul IS perfect – and Eternal.

    “wake up neo…”

    Ps. Read Buddha – he discovered the Matrix

  26. There is no purpose in life. But, if you have to make a purpose the only one should be to be content. To be happy is not enough. As soon as you are happy the pendulum begins to swing in the opposite direction and soon you are sad. This nonsense happens for most of all peoples’ lives. The way to contentment, and to higher consciousness, is through meditation, prayer, and silence.

    Those who don’t know will tell you otherwise. Jobs, money systems , religions, wars, and families are just value systems – matrixes within a matrix to confuse and mislead the masses for power, land, and money; created for government economies and the wealthy 1%.

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