I’m honored to be hosting the 213th Edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance. The carnival is one of the longest-running and most well-respected in existence! Since my family and I are currently backpacking and job-hunting in New Zealand, I decided that a Kiwi-themed carnival would be quite appropriate!
This type of carnival is great for readers to find new and interesting blogs and for those bloggers to gain exposure to a wider reading audience. I’ve selected 4 entries from the all the submissions that I believe are must-read posts. You’ll find them directly below. After reading those 4, continue browsing for some interesting New Zealand facts and for more great personal finance content!
If you are new to Man Vs. Debt, I hope you will stick around by subscribing to free RSS or E-mail updates. You can also follow me on Twitter! Don’t be a stranger!
- The Happy Rock presents 29 Reasons Why Being A Part Time Entrepreneur Sucks! This is not your normal “pie in the sky” type of list. What I like most is that there is no attempt to sugar-coat these issues. It’s a raw, real, and passionate observation from someone who has had years of successes and failure within the “part-time” entrepreneur label. To me the sign of a truly-great article is one that speaks to you personally. I can directly relate to almost all of the 29 points. If you are currently in this boat or are thinking about starting a part-time venture, this post is must-read!
- Frank Curmudgeon from Bad Money Advice presents How to Guess a SSN and Get Famous on the Internet. I have to admit when I first read about the “guessing SSN” story, I found it very interesting. After all, what’s not to love about a couple elite college professors breaking a secret code that enables that to guess SSN using Facebook! Well it turns out that this story has been a over-hyped a tad to say the least. Luckily, we have writers and thinkers like “Frank” who are amazingly adept at breaking down the elements of this story and showing us a different side of the coin. I’m a expert-scanner of online posts, but I intensely read every word from top to bottom of this post… you should too.
- Matt Jabs from Debt Free Adventure presents Emergency Fund Is For Emergencies ONLY – 6 Ways To Leave It Alone! Along with being one of the most-likable personal finance bloggers around, Matt Jabs has been on fire lately. He’s really dishing out some killer posts, as proven above. In my own life, finally getting an emergency fund in place and leaving it alone has radically shifted by financial behavior. Jabs discusses the psychology of the emergency fund, along with providing practical types for avoiding using it! Among my favorite suggestions are defining an “emergency” upfront, giving yourself a “misc.” budgeting category, and sacrficing something insttead of defaulting to the money in your fund!
- Jeff Rose from Good Financial Cents presents Roth IRA Conversion in 2010, AGI Restricitions are “Gone Daddy Gone”! Look, I’m going to state upfront that I’m not a big fan of investing articles in general. It’s not my specialty and frankly it’s hard for me to relate with some of the topics (at this point in my life). Luckily, Rose has a knack for being able to break down and relate investing concepts, so that even a non-investing crowd can reap the benefits of understanding these principles. This post details what effects the changing AGI limits will have on Roth IRA’s in the future. If you are thinking about a possible IRA conversion or would like to know how the new rules in 2010 will effect you, hop on over and give it a view!
New Zealand’s size is comparable to Britain or Japan, however it has an extremely low population density of only ~4.3 million people. In fact, its largest city, Auckland, plays host to over 1/3 of the total population! This leaves an even lower density throughout the rest of the North & South islands. The Auckland skyline above features the Sky Tower, the largest man-made structure in the Southern Hemisphere!
Money Management
Jim from Bargaineering presents How to Hard Reset Your Financial Life.
Brad Chaffee from Enemy Of Debt presents Keys To Effective Money Management – Part 1: Attitude!
Joe Plemon from Personal Finance By The Book presents Are You Ready For Retirement?
Tisha Tolar from American Consumer News presents What’s the Deal With These Airline Fees?
Banker, Saver presents Sneaky Bank Fees: How To Avoid Those Extra Charges.
Tough Money Love presents A Vulture Consumer? Good for You.
Shawanda Greene from You Have More Than You Think presents Before You Give.
Debt Ninja from Punch Debt In The Face presents Confession: I pay installment fees!
Carrie from Carrie…On The Cheap presents Staying Fit: 5 Things to Splurge On.
Curt from PennyJobs.com presents The Most Pragmatic Way to Deal with the Economy is to be Realistic.
Kate Kashman from The Paycheck Chronicles presents It Pays to Ask.
Wojciech Kulicki from Fiscal Fizzle presents Getting The Best Car Insurance Rates.
Matt from One Million and Beyond presents You’re Spending more than you make! Now what?.
David R. Lampsen from Personal Finance Analyst presents The Average Cost of Groceries Per Person: Best Guesses.
Before being discovered by Europeans, the Maori culture dominated the New Zealand landscape. The Maori take pride in their Kapa haka celebrations, which can contain singing, dancing, and performing with joyful movements and intense facial expressions. In addition, many cities have maintained their original Maori names (especially on the North Island), confusing tourists still to this day!
Doughroller presents Freecreditreport.com Versus Annualcreditreport.com–Where to get your free credit report!
My Life ROI presents Credit Cards and Usury: Where is the Line?
Stephanie from Poorer Than You presents Erasing Negative Credit History: 5 Strategies You May Not Have Heard About!
Free From Broke presents Credit Scores Matter More Than You Think.
Bob from Christian Finances presents Thoughts on credit card use.
Anna Bleker from Taking Charge presents Huge rainbow made of credit cards.
Discover Debt Freedom presents Why Is Checking My Credit Report Regularly So Important?.
Madison from My Dollar Plan presents Extra Cash Back this Summer from Discover.
Grace from GRACEful Retirement presents Shuffling the Cards.
Silicon Valley Blogger from The Digerati Life presents How To Get Out of Debt With A Debt Repayment Plan!
The Smarter Wallet presents How To Consolidate Debt: Ways To Reduce Your Debt Load!
V.H. from Funny about Money presents If You’re in Debt….
New Zealand has been completely isolated for millions of years, which has fostered an extremely unique environment for rare birds, insects, and plants. In fact, there were no predatory land mammals until they were brought over by the Maoris, first, and later by European settlers. This meant the island was a haven for birds of all type, including flightless species. While some of the birds have gone extinct in recent years, the hard-to-spot Kiwi is still a national symbol of New Zealand!
Frugality & Savings
Darwin from Darwin’s Finance presents The New Normal in America – Not Exactly What You’re Being Told.
Green Panda Treehouse presents Can You Really Save With A Costco Membership?
Ray from Financial Highway presents Pay Yourself First-Saving Strategy!
Charlie from Pay Less For Food presents Supermarket Speed Bumps That Get You to Spend More.
Michael B. Rubin from Beyond Paycheck to Paycheck presents Top 10 Most Annoying Ways to Lose A Little Money.
Personal Finance Blog by MoneyNing presents To Save Big, Think Small.
Marilyn Brodeur from eHow.com presents How to get a Free Flight by Getting Bumped.
Bret from BretFrohlich.com presents My Problem with Being Frugal.
Penelope Pince from Pecuniarities presents Save Money on Clothes: Shop the Juniors’ Department.
The “All Blacks” are one of the “winningest” Rugby Union teams in the history of the sport. In general, Rugby dominates the sporting culture of New Zealand and is widely considered to be the national sport. The picture above shows the All Blacks performing the famous Maori-inspired Haka (war dance), before each game. In addition to Union… rugby league, cricket, soccer, and netball are popular alternatives. It should also be noted that New Zealand has won the most Olympic Medals per capita of any country!
Prime Time Money presents Keep Investing Simple: Taxable vs Tax-Advantaged Investing.
Dividend Growth Investor presents Myths about Warren Buffett .
Matthew Paulson from Fine Tuned Finances presents Annuities Grow Tax Deferred But Watch Out for Missed Opportunities.
Nurseb911 from Triaging My Way To Financial Success presents The Competitive Analysis.
Tom from The FFS Blog presents Taleb On Distinguishing Between Investing Skill and Random Chance.
Kyle from Amateur Asset Allocator presents Four Important Metrics To Compare Index Funds.
Alexg from Value Investing Pro presents A Handful of Value Investing Resources.
Go To Retirement presents Building a Better CD Ladder Online.
Elizabeth G. from Modern Gal presents Demystifying ETFs.
D4L from Dividends Value presents Optimizing Your Asset Allocation.
TIPBlog.in presents Differentiating Asset Allocation and Diversification.
Paul Kamp from Don’t Quit Your Day Job… presents Investing in the 79th Element.
Hank from Own The Dollar presents New Exotic Investments Carry Huge Risks and Are Reminiscent of Past Mistakes.
Dividend Tree presents Diversification In the Context of Number of Stocks.
One of New Zealand’s most famous residents, Peter Jackson, made the decision to film all three famous Lord ofthe Rings films exclusively in New Zealand. The films were shot in over 150 different location, including many around Wellington and Queenstown. The New Zealand community took huge pride in the film and even the Army was commissioned to help build Hobbiton before shooting began! There are now books on the different sites from famous scenes, along with many different tour operators that specialize in guided tours of the LOTR-featured areas.
Real Estate
Peter from Bible Money Matters presents 10 Tips To Help Sell Your Home Fast In A Down Market!
Kyle from Suburban Dollar presents Pay Your Mortgage Off Early !
Dan Melson from Searchlight Crusade presents How To Keep Listing Agents From Filtering Out Offers!
Miss M. from M is for Money presents Home Buyer Beware – Home Inspections!
Aryn from Sound Money Matters presents Should You Pay More than the Appraised Value of a Home?!
J. Money from Budgets Are Sexy presents Would you rather… Money vs. Job edition?
Free Money Finance presents My Jobs, College.
Clint from Accumulating Money presents Setting Up An LLC the Easy Way.
Helen from Affine Financial Services presents Can an S Corporation Save Me Money?
Single Guy Money presents Another Reason to Adjust Your W-4 Withholding.
Mass Affluent presents Prepare for a major tax increase.
New Zealand also is famous for its culture of extreme sports. In fact, the world’s first commercial bungee jump took place in Queenstown in 1988. The first jump was a 43 metre leap from Queenstown’s Kawarau Bridge! Mountaineering is also extremely popular, do in large part to Sir Edmund Hilary (first to climb Everest) being a native New Zealander. If you can dream up an adventure sport, there is most likely not only people who participate, but some who are among the best in the world!
Wealth Pilgrim presents Michael Jackson’s Estate Teaches You One Great Lesson.
Matt B from Financial Methods presents 15 Sites that Can Help Improve Your Finances, Without Focusing on Money.
The Weakonomist from Weakonomics presents The Fun May Be Over For Oil Speculators.
Mr. Credit Card from Ask Mr. Credit Card presents Bargain Babe Interview.
Big Cajun Man from Canadian Personal Finance presents Eating Your Own Dog Food.
The Incidental Economist presents My Adventure on Bling St.
I hope you all enjoyed the carnival! As always, your comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated. Let me know which were your favorite posts of the bunch!
photos by (in order): wili, kiwi, jessicarabbit, freshwater2006, kiwi, xper, ctsnow
Baker, thanks for choosing my post! I hope you are loving Australia man!
.-= Brad @ EOD´s last blog ..“Financial Independence” Ceremonial Speech =-.
Thanks for including! Great Carnival Baker…The first pic is just amazing!
.-= Matt B´s last blog ..Weekly Links: 7/11/9 =-.
I grew up in Hawaii and went to school next to the Polynesian Cultural Center and your theme sure brought back some memories. Kiwis are really nice people.
Thanks for hosting and for including my post (Save on Clothing by Shopping the Juniors’ Department).
.-= Penelope @ Pecuniarities´s last blog ..Watch “Sandra’s Money Saving Meals” and “The Dave Ramsey Show” Videos Free on Hulu =-.
Great hosting! And wow is that ever an awesome photo at the top. People could start religions out of stuff that beautiful.
.-= the weakonomist´s last blog ..The Incidental Economist Blog Launch =-.
Thanks for including my post in the roundup. I would love to go to New Zealand; it looks like it would be a lot of fun!
.-= SingleGuyMoney´s last blog ..Do You Fix Your Parent’s Money Problems? =-.
Yeah, I second the comment by Weakonomist. That’s a damn fine photo at the top.
.-= kosmo @ The Casual Observer´s last blog ..I just don’t get it =-.
Nice job Baker.
Glad you found the article helpful, thanks for the nod. The article was about as fresh as it could get because I have been in the burn out, recover, and redirection phase(AGAIN). It was pretty cathartic to get those down on electronic paper.
.-= The Happy Rock´s last blog ..The End My Rope – When Trying Harder Just Isn’t Good Enough =-.
Great job hosting! I had a fun time learning more about New Zealand – hope you’re having a great time over there!
.-= Peter´s last blog ..Saving Up And Paying Cash For The Things You Buy Makes The Purchase More Enjoyable! =-.
Nicely done, sir. You’ve now got me itching to drop what i’m doing and fly out there!
.-= J. Money´s last blog ..BillShrink Gas Card Giveaway: Win Two $50 Cards! =-.
Glorious photos! Gosh, but NZ is beautiful. Are you hiking the Milford Trace? I’ve always wanted to do that. Best wishes in the job search!
Thanks for hosting, and thanks for including Funny’s squib on the general indebtedness of the American people.
Excellent carnival. Thanks for hosting and including my article.
.-= Curt´s last blog ..10 Reasons Why This Is An Excellent Time To Finish Your Basement =-.
That first pic is absolutely amazing! What a beautiful area to live.
Thanks for the editor’s pick on the carnival and your kind words on the review. It’s nice to get positive feedback from other bloggers and readers. Nice to know that all my efforts are for something good
It’s been fun following your journey and looking forward to more.
.-= Jeff Rose´s last blog ..Divorce and Financial Planning with John and Kate =-.
Pingback: Demystifying ETFs | Modern Gal
You’ve done a lovely job! Enjoy New Zealand.
Pingback: Carnivals, Week of July 13th – Don’t Quit Your Day Job
Pingback: My Adventure on Bling St. | The Incidental Economist
Pingback: The Carnival of Personal Finance #213 | American Consumer News
Thanks for including my post and awesome carnival. You’re livin’ the dream!
.-= Darwin’s Finance´s last blog ..Lazy Portfolios Beat the S&P – but Claims are Bogus and Deceiving =-.
Thanks for the inclusion! What’s the location of that first picture? Gorgeous!
I think it’s Haast Pass in the Southern Alps of the South Island…. proud to be a New Zealander
Great roundup Adam! That’s a ton of quality links, and several of them will be useful as my friends Brooke, Dwight & I figure out our business structure in the upcoming year (as well as personal finances-wise). Thanks for putting this together. Awesome, beautiful photos too!
Thanks for hosting! Great job. New Zealand is to thank for Flight of the Conchords, so that’s a good thing.
.-= Flexo´s last blog ..California IOUs: Buying, Selling, and Inherent Value =-.
Thanks for hosting and for including my post as part of the Carnival.
.-= Matt´s last blog ..Weekly Budget – Week 29 (July 13-19) =-.
Awesome carnival! Thanks for hosting and your hard work putting it together.
.-= FFB´s last blog ..A Goal Based Approach To Debt Management =-.
Pingback: Carnivals This Week | One Million and Beyond
Wow. This is a lot of information. I will sift through it all and get back to you all.
.-= Journey´s last blog ..Next Job =-.
Pingback: Bret Frohlich.com » Blog Archive » My Problem with Being Frugal
This was just an outstanding theme for the Carnival.
There is so much beauty in the world and not enough time to see it all.
.-= Bret Frohlich´s last blog ..My Problem with Being Frugal =-.
Once again you have shown why you blasted toward popularity in the PF blogging world. You have such a great knack for eloquently delivering solid posts while making everyone involved feel valued. You are a such a positive and friendly force in the PF community and I think I speak for everyone when I say… thank you kindly.
Keep up the great work, godspeed in New Zeels, and let me know if I can help you in any way.
.-= Matt Jabs´s last blog ..The Testimony of a One Car Family =-.
Pingback: Cost of Living Here and Abroad, A Possible House Purchase, Loss Leaders
Pingback: Rainbow Credit Cards, Average Cost of Groceries, Surprising Debt Load
Pingback: Desperation Measures for Desperate Times | Tough Money Love
Pingback: Nostalgia Baby Boomers | Go To Retirement
Pingback: -> Cool Weather, Storm Clouds And A Post Roundup | Bible Money Matters
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Pingback: Weakonomics Links: The Umbrella Problem | Weakonomi¢s
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Pingback: Giveaway Announcement- New Blogroll – Weekly Update | Financial Highway
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Pingback: Weekly Wisdom in Personal Finance - New Growth Edition | Debt Free Adventure!
Pingback: Weekly Links: It’s Earnings Time Edition | Darwin's Finance
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Pingback: Weekly Links: July 19, 2009 | Dividends Value
Pingback: Pecuniary Links ~ July 2009 #2 | Pecuniarities
Pingback: Personal Finance QuickHits | Prime Time Money
Pingback: Great Personal Finance Articles I Read and Blog Carnivals This Week : Own The Dollar
Pingback: “This-ISM, that-ISM”
Pingback: Supermarket Pricing Tricks | Pay Less For Food
Pingback: A Free Resume Template Site from Microsoft - The Dough Roller
Pingback: Posts of the Week - Consumerism Commentary, personal finance since 2003
Pingback: Carnival Roundup - Amateur Asset Allocator
Thank you for including my article! I’m so excited, this is my first carnival!
Pingback: Personal Finance Carnival Round-Up – #33 | Finance.blors.com
Pingback: My Problem with Being Frugal « Hope To Prosper
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