Note: This is a post from Adam Baker, founder of Man Vs. Debt.
In reality it’s taken us 9 months, from start to finish… but it feels like we’ve put YEARS of work into this thing.
I guess maybe that’s because it has taken years of work to get to this point.
The movie isn’t possible – not even in the slightest – without this community and the years we’ve spent together.
It gave us the confidence, the connections and the resources to pull this off.
But most important, it gave us the message.
The message of this movie is directly related to what we’ve spent years talking about together on this blog.
So, thank you.
Thanks for supporting this community all these years – and empowering us to go make a movie!
A real freakin’ movie!
(And it’s good, too – if you ask me – really good).
The $5 Download Philosophy…
Over on our site (http://imfinethanksmovie.com) you can download and/or stream the movie for just $5.
We’ve gotten a lot of questions why we are pricing it as low as $5 – what our philosophy is behind that.
It’s simple, we want as MANY people as possible to see the movie.
We know that $5 is a no-brainer for anyone who hears about the movie from a friend. And we know that $5 makes it a no-brainer to gift to a friend – or share with family members.
In our store, we have several options for people who want to support the movie on a deeper level. We have DVDs for sale, an incredible poster, and several gift packages.
We know that if people can see this movie – and feel its message – we won’t have a problem with making it a profitable project!
The DRM-Free Philosophy…
The next big decision we made was to make the movie download DRM-free.
What this means is you can transfer it to any device, any tablet, any phone or computer. You can transfer it just like you would any other file you have. There’s no restriction.
That’s unusual for the current industry.
The giant studios are so worried about people stealing and illegally sharing their movies – they do whatever they can to lock them down, restrict the files, and monitor the access. What ends up happening is people who actually support the art can’t even move it from device to device freely – or can’t download it on another computer at times.
It’s frustrating.
Will people steal and share our movie illegally?
Absolutely. We know that.
But we don’t want to punish the people who have supported us (and who will support us) by restricting how they use they movie THEY bought!
Once again, we’ve put everything we have in the message of this movie. We know, firsthand, it changes lives.
And we know that our supporters will always choose to buy our movie – over sharing it illegally – especially when we actually make it easy to support ($5).
We think this is the future of movie distribution – and we want to support what we feel is best for our biggest supporters!
For us, this was an easy decision.
The Shipping Philosophy…
If you purchase a DVD, poster, or one of our packages – we’ll obviously have some goods to ship you!
We’ve decided to make shipping in the U.S.A. and Canada absolutely free.
It’s cleaner, simpler, and you know exactly what you are paying.
For international shipping (non-US, non-Canada), we’re going to add a flat $10 shipping fee. Regardless of what you order – and where in the world you live – it’ll be the consistent flat fee.
We will lose money on the far majority of international countries we ship to (on the shipping part, that is) – but this makes the process more transparent and more streamlined.
U.S. & Canada = free.
Every other corner of the globe = $10 flat (even on the big packages).
How Can You Get The Movie?…
Head on over to the “I’m Fine, Thanks” store page – and check out the options:
- $5 – HD download/stream in any browser.
- $25 – Collectible DVD + download.
- $35 – DVD + “Live Your Dream” poster + download.
- $100+ – A couple multi-DVD packs for holiday gifts.
It’s pretty straightforward.
The DVD + Poster combo is the best value. It’s the package most people will go for (you get the download, too).
If you have a specific package you are shopping for – or a special request – just email me. We’re super flexible on bundling multiple copies for the holidays, companies, etc…
Do we really have any idea what we are doing?…
We don’t.
But we didn’t know what we were doing when we left on the road to film the movie either.
We believe that accessible downloads with no restrictions and a simple shopping/shipping model is the right way to get this message out to the world.
But really – we have no idea.
What we do believe in – is the movie.
Let me know what you think!
How You Can Help Spread the Message…
The #1 way to help spread this message – is to share what the movie meant to you.
Sharing what you honestly thought of the movie, how it affected you, and why you believe it’s important…
That’s how movements begin.
Please share your thoughts on Facebook and Twitter.
Review the movie on your blog (if you have one).
Buy a couple of extra downloads for your friends or family (we make it easy to give as gifts after you order).
I’m proud of this one.
I really am.
I feel like this movie has been nearly like creating a 5th member of our family. Maybe that’s why it took 9 months.
Here’s my latest baby: http://imfinethanksmovie.com
Let me know what you think!
Congrats on your accomplishment Adam! You’re truly an inspiration
That’s very kind, Vincent – appreciate it!
Awesome Adam! I’m totally checking it out!
Best, Sam
Thanks Sam, been a fun ride.
Congratulations on the release! This guerrilla style marketing for indie films is the new norm, and I’m sure you will do very well once this starts percolating.
What are the chances of this being releases for Netflix?
We’re considering iTunes, Netflix, Hulu, and some other ways to get the message out.
In my opinion, Netflix is at the very top of the list. It’s a bit of a process – but we’re tackling it now!
Woot woot!
Just bought my copy Adam!
I’ll be burning this to DVD so I can watch it with my girlfriend, thanks man!
PS. The intro was hilarious because my life looked EXACTLY like that not long ago lol
Haha, awesome Sergio! let us know what you both think.
I just bought the DVD. I’ve read this blog and I’m confident that anything you put your name on it is worth more than the $25 I paid. Baker and Courtney, you are my husband and I’s inspiration to live by our own rules. We are kicking debt to the curb and stockpiling savings so we can move overseas when my husband finishes school (about 2.5-3 years). I’m typically a silent blog reader but I just wanted you guys to know that you truly make a difference. And I’m sure this movie will make a difference to so many people :).
Thanks a ton, Erin. Seriously, means a lot to know we can help you get some momentum. I think you’ll absolutely love the DVD – let me know!
Hi Adam, just watched the trailer and downloading the film now to watch tonight!
FANTASTIC JOB!! Well done mate!
I am very excited to download this tonight, sit down with a glass of wine and enjoy your film.
I started following your blog right around the time we decided to downsize and move back to the city (I feel like you need less stuff in a city). We were not in a huge place, a 3-bedroom town home for my husband and I and two kids under the age of four. We moved to a 2-bedroom condo and it was a great decision. We sold over $10k worth of crap before we moved – such a satisfying feeling and a step in the direction of doing more of what we love and less of what we don’t love.
Less space, less stuff, more life! I’m really looking forward to watching this and will share my thoughts on my blog
A hearty congratulations to the fab five!!! My wife and I feel like the trailer alone describes the theme of our lives at the moment and we are so excited to watch the full movie today!
We are full-throttle working towards living Our Dream, not the American Dream. The message you are sharing is an important one for people to be exposed to. Thank you for your hard work!
Congrats! And thanks for helping make this Saturday night a success
You rock Adam, I am so looking forward to watching this movie and sharing it with others. The message is so important!
Super excited to start watching it tonight!
Wow. I don’t pay attention to the Man Vs. Debt RSS feed for a couple months and look what happens. The movie is out! I’ve been excited about this since I first heard about the movie in the podcast months ago.
Speaking of which – any chance you’ll bring back the podcast sometime in the near future? Seems like going into the holidays would be a great time to start that up.
I’ll probably post another update once I’ve watched the movie.
It was such a pleasure to meet you five–thank you for the honor of being included in this awesome piece of inspiration you guys put together (and captioning it for deaf/hh folks too!). You guys rock!
what is the movie about?
I have had to stop only 5 minutes in, partly to say thank you and partly to stop the tears that are already starting to roll. Everyone needs to hear this message right across the whole wide world. Why do we settle in life for a version of second best?? Why the need to feel like we have to please others by following someone else’s life script? I makes NO sense, none! Yet 99.9% of us continually follow a predetermined life plan that is making us miserable. It is time to stop the nonsense. Thank you so much for starting what is hopefully a massive shift throughout the world. I will be sharing this with as many people as I can get access to!
I just finished watching your movie and I have tears running down my face! CONGRATULATIONS on a job WELL DONE!!!! This movie should be shown at high schools!!!!
Oh and PS ……..
I know exactly what I am giving to all my friends for Christmas
Just watched the movie, great stuff. Very inspirational! I’ll be spreading the word.
Smart pricing approach for the download. It worked out well for Louis C. K.
Great movie Baker!
All the stuff you are accomplishing amazes me. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Woot! Congrats! Hopefully I can download it this weekend and watch it.
Can’t wait to see you around Portland.
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Congrats!!! Looking forward to receiving our copy – can you let me know the status of that?