Dave Ramsey’s And Groceries: How To Budget Effectively For Groceries In 2024

The Consumer Price Index rose by 3.1%, so we still feel that inflation is persistent. So, you are not alone when you feel there is a change in the price of fruits, vegetables, meat, and other items on your grocery list. 

A major chunk of your salary goes to grocery shopping. So Dave Ramsey, an American personal finance guru, is the best source to look up to when budgeting for your groceries. A closer look at what he has to say can save your time, energy, and lots of money! 

Yes, when you do the zero based budget, you end up with zero at the end of the month, but increasing grocery bills means decreasing other spending areas that may be just as important.

According to Dave Ramsay’s website, there are different ways to save money on groceries.

 Let’s discuss a few. 

#1. Pay Your Grocery Bill With Cash 

Let’s say you are out grocery shopping and have $200 in your wallet. When you pay by credit card, it’s hard to track your money since morning. You have to wait until the money shows on your income statement. It means that you may spend extra without even realizing it! 

On the other hand, if you use your cash, you will exactly know that you can’t head to Starbucks after grocery shopping as the amount left is not enough for the grande white chocolate mocha!

According to Dave Ramsay, “Cash is King.” He is right when he says this! 

#2. Use Your Smartphone Calculator While Shopping 

Today you’ll realize how excellent your smartphone calculator can be while shopping for different grocery items. The website suggests taking out your smartphone and using the calculator for adding the prices while picking things on the list. 

Doing so can make you understand that it’s time to leave the cake on the shelf! You don’t need that $5 fancy cookie box. You will be conscious while adding the price of grocery items on the calculator, and thus, you will avoid picking unnecessary items (hopefully). 

#3. Ask Overspender To Stay At Home 

It can be tricky to ask the overspenders (you know who it is!) to stay home. Your kids love the new cookies, and your spouse wants the shiny plates and whatnot! It’s hard to say no to your loved ones when they look at you, but it adds to the bill. It’s okay every once in a while, but it can be hard on the budget when it happens constantly. 

So, leaving the overspenders at home is an interesting idea. It’s worth a try! Share your conversation in the comments, and it will be an inspiration for someone who finds it hard to convince the kids or spouse not to go with them for grocery shopping! (maybe they can wait in the car, right!). 

#4. Use What You Already Have In The Refrigerator And Pantry 

We all know that life can be challenging, and it’s hard to clean up the refrigerator and pantry. While being busy in the hustle and bustle of life, you may not feel the need to check your pantry or refrigerator. But, surprisingly, it may have ingredients that you can use to cook food for the next 4-5 days. 

For example, if there are leftover eggs and salad, why not make an egg sandwich. Also, an egg is cheap to buy, and you can make so many dishes with it. The kids love pancakes, so add some flour, eggs, sugar/honey, and milk to get the right consistency. Flip pancakes in the air, enjoy! 

#5. Freeze As Much As You Can 

It can be a daunting task if you work and prepare three meals a day. But, it doesn’t have to be! Freezing comes to the rescue in such circumstances. When you prepare food, freeze it in small portions to use later. 

Freeze the grocery items as much as you can such that it’s ready to use! It can save you time and money. Then, when you are hungry, you can check the freezer and use the meal of your choice. However, you will need to give your Saturdays or Sundays to prepare the freezer meal that can be your lifesaver when you don’t feel like cooking. 

#6. Make A Plan And Stick To It For Shopping 

It’s hard to say no to your kids when they pick the candy box, but it’s unnecessary and unhealthy. At home, make a list of essential grocery items. Get others on board to see if they need anything basic. Avoid adding chocolates, cakes, and other such things. 

When you go to the grocery store, make sure you strictly follow the list. It’s easy to get distracted when you see tons of items, but avoid it to save money. It may sound impossible, but it requires some practice. 

#7. Consider Curbside Pickup 

You are living in the age of information technology. It’s time to give modern technology a chance. If you haven’t shopped online yet, now is the time to take advantage of it. 

You can compare the price of items in different grocery stores and change the store if necessary. If you find it easy to give in to temptations, ordering the curbside pick-up can help. You will only consider the items you want, and the price will be right there! 

#8. Round Off The Price 

Someone in advertising came up with the concept of using charm pricing. For example, .99 cents instead of $1! You can use it in your favor when buying groceries, round off the price, and surprise yourself at the counter with a lower bill than your expectations. 

Human psychology is interesting! Use this concept in your favor; instead of $1.75, consider the item’s price as $2. Share in the comments if it helps! 

Wrapping It Up 

Dave Ramsay has various ideas to help you with saving! It’s time you take action and start 2022 on the right foot. It’s best to take a look at your grocery bill and try to minimize it as much as you can! Life is about choices. What’s your choice when it comes to saving and groceries? Are you going to follow Dave Ramsay’s advice? 

Share your thoughts! 

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